Lebenkele le lecha la chokolete, kofi le sandwich le butsoe Front Street toropong ea Missoula.Ducrey Chocolate Maker e ile ea buloa pejana lehlabuleng lena 311 E. Front St. seterateng sa moaho oa Matlo a Baithuti ba ROAM.
Claudia Ducrey Giordano le molekane oa hae ba etsa chokolete ea "bean to bar" 'me ba boetse ba fana ka kofi ea nitro ea tlhaho hammoho le sandwich le li-croissants tsa mofuta oa Sefora.
Ducrey Giordano o re o fumana nama ea hae e ruiloeng lekhulong ho tloha Double K Ranch e Darby mme bohobe ba hae bo tsoa ho Morning Birds Bakery e Missoula.
O tsepamisitse maikutlo tabeng ea ho shebana le tikoloho ka hohle kamoo ho ka khonehang, ho tloha ho litlhaka tse entsoeng ka avocado ho ea ho sebelisa mokhoa oa metsi oa Switzerland bakeng sa decaf ho netefatsa hore ha ho na lik'hemik'hale tse sebelisoang.
Lebenkele le na le litulo tsa kantle le tsa kahare, mme Ducrey o re hajoale ba ntse ba sebetsa ka bongata ba pele ba chokolete ho tsoa linaoang tseo ba li fumaneng Peru.Qetellong, ba tla ba le chokolete e chesang e entsoeng hae, mohlomong le ntho e khethehileng e entsoeng ka huckleberries.
Univesithi ea Montana's Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana (FMRWM) e sa tsoa fumana thuso ea $2.5 million ho tsoa Lefapheng la United States la Bophelo bo Botle le Litšebeletso tsa Botho' Health Resources and Services Administration.
Ho ea ka phatlalatso ea boralitaba, lenaneo la UM hona joale ke le leng la ba 20 ho pholletsa le naha ba fumanang khau bakeng sa koetliso ea bolulo ba tlhokomelo ea mantlha.
Univesithi e boletse hore thuso e tla "ntlafatsa koetliso bakeng sa lingaka tse lulang mahaeng kapa libakeng tse sa sireletsoang, ha e ntse e khothalletsa ba fumaneng mangolo ho phehella mesebetsi ea mahaeng le tlhokomelo ea mantlha e sa fumaneheng ka mor'a ho qeta koetliso."
"Chelete ena e tla re lumella hore re hahe thutong ea rona ea bongaka ea mahaeng e seng e ntse e le matla le ho theha menyetla e mecha ea koetliso ea mahaeng," ho boletse Dr. Darin Bell, motlatsi oa FMRWM motsamaisi oa thuto ea mahaeng le mofuputsi oa molao-motheo mabapi le thuso."Ka eona re tla ba le lisebelisoa tsa ho theha mananeo a macha a 'maloa a bileng maemong a fapaneng a moralo ka lilemo tse ngata."
Khau ea lilemo tse hlano bakeng sa lenaneo la Ntlafatso ea Phihlello ea Mahaeng le Koetliso ea FMRWM e tla thusa ho eketsa menyetla ea ho ithuta libakeng tsa mahaeng le libakeng tse sa sireletsoang ka koetliso ea bongaka ba bokhoba, thelefono le thuto ea profeshenale, ho latela phatlalatso ea litaba.
E tla boela e lumelle "FMRWM ho theha pina ea koetliso e matla e thusang baahi ho qeta boholo ba koetliso ea bona le ho sebetsa e le lingaka tsa tlhokomelo ea mantlha libakeng tsa mahaeng.Ho feta moo, lichelete tsa lithuso li tla lumella FMRWM ho holisa marang-rang a balekane ba mahaeng le litsi le ho fana ka nts'etsopele le thuto ho balekane bana. ”
"Hantle-ntle re kentse ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe lethathamong la rona la litakatso tsa mahaeng bakeng sa lilemo tse hlano tse latelang tsa thuso," ho boletse Dr. Rob Stenger, mookameli oa lenaneo la FMRWM."Mesebetsi eohle e tla shebana le ho ntlafatsa menyetla ea rona ea hona joale ea koetliso ea mahaeng kapa ho ahela baahi ba rona e mecha."
"Ho na le balateli ba bangata ka mokhoa o makatsang Missoula mabapi le li-crepes tseo re neng re li etsa joalo ka Liquid Planet, kahoo re khutlisetsa crepes," ho boletse mong'a-'moho Scott Billadeau.
"Sebaka sa liofisi tse theko e tlaase sea hlokahala, haholo-holo toropong, 'me re bone sena e le tharollo ea boqapi ho seo."
Litsi tse 'maloa Seterekeng sa Missoula li khonne ho nka monyetla oa nako ea khutso ho etsa mosebetsi o itseng.
Pele lefu la seoa le fihla Montana, Missoula o ile a tlaleha boemo bo phahameng ba mosebetsi oa kaho kotareng ea pele ea 2020.
“Ho na le likhoebo tse 2 000 haufi le Brooks Street Corridor tse hirileng batho ba 17 000,” ho boletse setho sa boto Ruth Reineking."Ke batho ba bangata ba ka sebelisang tsamaiso ea libese ea (metsotso e 15) haeba e ntse e sebetsa."
El Caz Taqueria e ncha e tla ba mohahong oa khale oa reschorente oa Viva Mexico, o ntseng o lokisoa ka botlalo hona joale.
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Nako ea poso: Jul-20-2020